Just a Lawyer in Lincoln's Hometown

May 7, 2011

A month into the virtual practice.

Filed under: Law Practice — Chuck @ 8:41 am
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So far, so good!
I love the commute – 10 steps!
Getting the mail, going to the courthouse, etc. are a pain, but the errands keep me from being a hermit.
I forgot how many trees lawyers kill. The original piece of paper, a copy for me, a copy for the other side, a copy to keep in the file in case the originals are lost, it goes on and on. All on one side of the page double spaced, so everything takes 2-3 times as much paper as is necessary. What a waste! (I’ve eliminated some of this by imaging everything, but not all.)
Having to make good use of note taking, to-do lists, etc. With only me, and my porous memory, and no assistant, to track things, my use of electronic memory aids has become uber-important.
I think most of my clients are liking the personal attention, but still miss my old paralegal.
Adjustments, adjustments!

Chuck from Watson Law, LLC

April 2, 2011

My New Law Firm

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chuck @ 7:42 pm
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Watson Law, LLC is now in business. My experiment with partnership has shown me that I really do not play well with others. Years of solo practice do not prepare one for working well with others. Solo practice involves making decisions about the practice by one’s own self, and living, or dying, by the results. Working in a firm structure is very different. You need to take account the needs and desires of another, sharing the decisions and the results. It’s a lot like a marriage.

My long-suffering wife and I live in partnership. We are successful.

Apparently, I only have one such arrangement in me.

Chuck from Watson Law, LLC

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